t turned out that making such a simple book cover was not an easy task. Here I want to show the alternative ideas and solutions that didn't make the final cut.

A concept for the cover with a drone. Unused

The drone

Slava suggested making a cover using all the photos as a mosaic.

An idea: to put together a heart made from different photos from the book (Valery Belozyorov)

To show Belarus on the globe (Valery Belozyorov)



And one more

An idea to create a cover using text (Slava)

Here's a cover that almost made it to the final cut: making half a hand heart on the cover. The idea was that any person holding the book could put his other hand and get a whole heart. In the heart there would be an outline of Belarus and the inscription "KUT", so that you get "KUT in your heart".

Dzima and Zhenya Dovnar came up with this idea on a napkin

Dzima and Zhenya Dovnar came up with this idea on a napkin

A hand render (Vanya)

A hand render (Vanya)

A hand render (Vanya)

A hand render (Vanya)

A hand render (Vanya)

Ksyusha from Naviband criticising the heart cover and offering her own version

Sasha Yakovlev

Letting go of all the elements on the cover was really tough. To remove everything, even the authors' names, was a simple and bold decision, which we were not 100 percent sure of. But had a gut feeling that this is how this book about Belarus should look like. Later, the book started to be called the White Book of Belarus online, comparing it to the Red Book of Endangered Species.

The cover that was printed as the pilot version.
