nce we had the book layout almost ready and were finalising details, Slava went to a regular printing centre and printed a few pages of the book on A3 sheets. We folded them in half to get smaller drafts of the future pages of the book. It's hard to say whether this helped us in any way, but we met several times just to lay these sheets out and look over them.

One of the ready versions of the collated layout

One of the ready versions of the collated layout

The layout in process

The layout in process

Aligning Alex on the pages of the spread

Selecting the paste paper

Selecting the paste paper

Choosing photos for the front pages of the book

We already had a complete layout of about 550 pages, the photos were grouped into chapters, the quotes and the text were laid out properly. But we kept on improving the project and would keep on improving it as long as we had time. We had to set ourselves a deadline for this process, otherwise it would have never ended.

The process of finalising the layout before the pilot went to print. Screenshots from Figma

The process of finalising the layout before the pilot went to print. Screenshots from Figma

The process of finalising the layout before the pilot went to print. Screenshots from Figma

The process of finalising the layout before the pilot went to print. Screenshots from Figma

The Belarusian digraph «DZ» in the index

Making edits 24/7, wherever possible

Adding page numbers to the pages

The website for the book was built using Framer. At first, I wanted to make a video where I would flip through the book. And I wanted the website to work on a scroll-to-play basis. So you start scrolling through the site and the book opens. You scroll further - the book’s pages would turn, and an additional layer on top of it would display some text. But in reality the idea wasn’t so great.

A photoshoot for the landing page

A photoshoot for the landing page

Developing the landing page, we had a bunch of bugs in the mobile version

Developing the landing page, we had a bunch of bugs in the mobile version

Bugs in the mobile version

Bugs in the mobile version

The ‘your payment was successful’ page that a user would see after pre-ordering the book
