CHAPTER eighteen





e had an agreement with the printing house that the print run would be sent to us in installments — as soon as one is ready — to speed up the process.

Slava is happy to see the first pallet

Nastia, the owner of Norm Studio in Warsaw, helps to unpack

The books are packaged two at a time in shipping paper

I am happy to see the second pallet

Opening up each package

A photo for a post announcing that we have launched worldwide shipping

The first pallet at the window

Two pallets at the window

One pallet with our books weighs 415 kg (one hundred books). The first two pallets were brought to Warsaw to our friends at the Norm studio. Our friends helped us to organise the distribution of the books to the first customers. We tried our best to hand out the first books in person.

That's all for now, thank you for listening!

You can support the project by buying the book or by sharing something about it on social media.


P.S. Olya-the-editor has demanded that I write a conclusion. I will give it my best shot.

Firstly, a book is a dream. In this case, Slava's dream. And I am really glad that this dream came true. I'm glad that I am someone whose skills and persistence helped to turn this dream into a real thing that you can pick up and be amazed. I believe there are a great number of people around me who have a similar dream, but lack the conditions or strength to make it come true. I believe that this story will inspire someone to write their own book, to create their own project.

Secondly, creating a book is one hell of a long journey. I think that there are thousands more books in the world that were started and abandoned than those that were completed. I won’t even mention the even smaller number of the "beautiful" books where everything came together in the end. Ours came to about 80%, I believe.

Thirdly, now many people ask Slava and me, "Guys, what’s next? But everyone doesn't fully understand that for us the project is still not finished. You see everything that we have designed, and now we have to somehow share it with people. The book will not simply make it to the shelf of every Belarusian. It costs so much money that at first it seemed that this book would not be on anyone’s shelf (I wrote about this at the beginning of this story). But I think we'll come up with something.

This post is also part of the project. It's an attempt to tell people that we are just a bunch of ordinary guys who wanted to create something that didn’t exist, but we felt like it should.
